Jiangxi Zichen Technology Co. Ltd (known as Putailai or PTL) is seeking approval under the Environmental Code to produce artificial graphite anode material in Torsboda, Timrå municipality. This application also includes necessary related activities, like possibly redirecting the Torsboda stream or diverting groundwater during land leveling. This consultation addresses both potential environmental risks (Chapter 9 of the Environmental Code) and water-related activities (Chapter 11 of the Environmental Code).
Consultation overview
The consultation is a necessary step in the environmental permit process. It's part of the process outlined in Chapter 6 of the Environmental Code where an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required. Its goal is to let stakeholders give feedback early on. This feedback will help shape both the EIA and the application process.
PTL is currently gathering views on the location, size, and design of the operation, as well as the structure of the EIA. Due to the project's potential environmental impact, there's no need for a separate investigation consultation. The consultation document details the operation, current environmental conditions, and the expected environmental outcomes. You can download this document below or ask for a printed version by emailing samrad.torsboda@ivl.se.
Updates to the Consultation Document
The consultation document has been updated. Here's a list of all new information, clarifications, and corrections:
5. Location
Torsboda 1:2 is now mostly cleared and isn't fully forested.
6. Description of the Operation, Figure 5
"Graphite paste" is corrected to "Graphite plate" due to a mistranslation.
7. Transporter
Details about three potential ports and possible transport routes (Figure 6) are now included.
Information on employee transportation has been added.
Gryttjomsvägen is being considered only as a fire service access route.
8.1. Preparation of the Area
Shoreline protection within the property remains unchanged for biotope-protected areas.
Corrections and clarifications on stream locations and biotope protections are made.
Information on protected species and their habitats is provided.
Förtydligande: Området innehåller skyddade arter (nattviol, vanliga groda, blåsippa) och eventuell påverkan på dessa kommer att utredas och dispens sökas vid behov.
Tillägg: Mnemosynefjärilen har även ett nyckelhabitat på Alnön.
Förtydligande: Fjärilen har tidigare återfunnits utanför planområdet och en mer riktad artinventering kommer att utföras.
8.6. Raw Materials and Waste
The created by-products will be repurposed.
How to Submit Feedback
Written feedback can be submitted until October 16, 2023, using the form below, emailing samrad.torsboda@ivl.se, or mailing to:
IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
Attn: Consultation Torsboda
Box 210 60, 100 31 Stockholm
Torsboda Graphite Project: Details and Environmental Implications
Graphite production will take place indoors, but the operation might have various environmental effects. These include noise from the facility and transports, emissions to air resulting in odor, dusting, and potential impacts on the natural environment, especially if the Torsboda stream is diverted.
The project might also affect areas with general biotope protection and lead to a lowering of groundwater levels due to soil changes and groundwater diversion. Furthermore, the operation is energy-intensive and will require about 2,500 cubic meters of water daily. More specifics on these impacts are detailed in the consultation document.
Environmental Safeguards and Facility Design
To ensure the environmental effects are kept to a minimum, PTL will conduct comprehensive investigations. The extent and focus of these studies will be decided after the consultation. These will encompass a risk analysis and delve into air emissions, noise, traffic conditions, groundwater and surface water implications, as well as potential effects on natural and cultural values. PTL is dedicated to designing the operation to minimize any negative environmental impact.
The facility's design will strictly follow the detailed plan for the area that was recently approved.
Preliminary Timeline
Consultations will commence in summer 2023 and continue through fall 2023. The permit application and its associated EIA are expected to be sent to the court in fall 2023. The facility's first phase is slated to begin in 2025, but this timeline might change.
Protecting Your Personal Data
When providing feedback, your personal data might be processed. This feedback will be part of a consultation report given to the court. For details on data handling, please check our privacy policy: IVL Privacy Policy. https://www.ivl.se/praktiskt/hantering-av-personuppgifter.html.
IVL Swedish Environmental Institute
On behalf of Jiangxi Zichen Technology Co. Ltd, (PTL)